Saturday, February 27, 2010


I started out this morning around 2:30 am. Just my luck, but i had to have my bag hand-checked before i was allowed to leave Ohio. although i did have a wonderful conversation with the gentleman who was searching through all of my stuff. He told me about "an earthquake in South America". Great! adventure i want, but this could be overdoing it. Hoping it wasn't Peru, I went to my gate where the coverage was on TV. The earthquake in Chile ranked 8.8...not exactly what i call small (well that's what i found in an article later). We kept watching and discovered that there are tsunami warnings for Chile and Peru. :) Nothing to worry about though! It'll be great!

Currently, i'm sitting in the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and I have already had a conversation, in Spanish of course, with a really nice guy from Honduras. Ben, you'd be so proud. haha.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As many of you know, I will be spending my spring and summer in Lima, Peru. While studying at La Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, I hope to improve my currently pathetic Spanish skills as well as learn about the Peruvian culture. This chapter of my life will certainly be filled with pages where adventure abounds and "everyday" is nonexistent. It all starts this Friday as i drive to Cleveland. Reta and I fly out early Saturday morning and we would definitely appreciate prayers for safe travel!

I hope you will all enjoy reading about my experiences during the next few months!

Eres la guia de mi camino
y la esperanza de mi destino...
hoy te quiero decir que te doy mi vivir
Eres todo para mi, eres tu mi existir. ~Rojo